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About Us

A bit of history

Costa dei Campi is a small farm of the Ligurian west coast which owes its name to the ancient road to Santiago de Compostela, traveled over the centuries by numerous pilgrims from Rome and whose path passes right in front of the olive trees of our company, as well as the splendid Sanctuary of Montegrazie, It is historically known, in fact, that in 1920 Theodore Roosvelt visited it and later had a plaque affixed to it with these words: "Do what you can with what you have, in the place where you are", a phrase we have adopted as a motto and philosophy.

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Chi Siamo (2)

Who We Are

We are two brothers, Fabian and Daniel who, after a series of work and study experiences gained abroad, tired of the frenetic pace of large city centers and eager to start our own business, have decided to return home to recover the farmland owned by our family and renovate them.

Where We Are

The land of our company is located in the extreme west of Liguria, an area where they are pampered by the sweetness of the extremely mild climate and refreshed by the rich winds of the Ligurian Sea. Next to the centuries-old olive trees, luxuriant citrus plants such as lemons, oranges, grapefruit and mandarins and fruit trees such as peaches, apricots, plums, pomegranates, apple trees and figs grow here. This is the background to our days spent in the fields. And here you can find different fresh fruit in every season of the year.

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Chi Siamo (4)

Not Just Liguria

In 2020, Daniel, or love, decides to move to Puglia and brings with him all the knowledge gained over the years and the love for Nature that distinguishes our company. He buys fields of olive trees and vineyards. And he begins to cultivate. This is where our "Legame" Collection was born. A series of products aimed at uniting the typical crops of Northern and Southern Italy in the name of sustainability, respect for the land and enhancement of the territories.


Being particularly sensitive to the phenomenon of climate change, air and soil pollution due to the use of chemical pesticides and the intensive and therefore harmful exploitation of regional crops, we have enthusiastically decided to take a slower and more difficult path, not certainly free of obstacles, but undoubtedly full of great satisfactions: cultivating in the most natural and least invasive way possible. Starting with the olive trees.
Da alcuni anni ormai, mossi dalla stessa passione dei nostri nonni e seguendo i "riti" tramandati da una generazione all'altra, produciamo un olio di oliva extravergine a partire da olive "qualità taggiasca" attraverso un metodo che prevede il saper riconoscere le sfumature delle olive per poter effettuare la loro raccolta solo al momento più opportuno e più qualitativo. La loro frangitura è effettuata esclusivamente entro le 24 ore dalla raccolta e la concimazione avviene grazie a concimi organici reperiti in abbondanza nelle fattorie che si trovano a poca distanza dai nostri terreni. Altrettanto importante è per noi, saper riconoscere e combattere con rimedi naturali diverse tipologie di insetti nociviFor some years now, driven by the same passion of our grandparents and following the "rituals" handed down from one generation to the next, we have been producing an extra virgin olive oil from "Taggiasca quality" olives through a method that involves knowing how to recognize the nuances olives in order to be able to harvest them only at the most appropriate and most qualitative time. Their pressing is carried out exclusively within 24 hours of harvesting and the fertilization takes place thanks to organic fertilizers found in abundance in the farms that are located a short distance from our land. It is equally important for us to be able to recognize and fight different types of harmful insects with natural remedies.

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Chi Siamo (6)

A Production of Quality

A few hundred bottles of green nectar offer our most demanding customers a limited production of great quality, guaranteeing them the purchase of a unique product, able to bring to the table the fruit of tradition and the genuine flavors of the past, often forgotten. Far from the industrial and intensive productions that are found everywhere on the market and which mainly pursue economic return, our company proceeds against the tide along a path devoted to a visceral passion for work and a respect for nature that is not a mere trend of moment, but on the contrary it reflects a real urgency, to which one can no longer be indifferent.

What People Say About Us

The real motivation that encourages us to continue with our work is the enthusiasm and satisfaction of our customers. The consumer who chooses Costa Dei Campi is informed, curious, demanding, committed to understanding what distinguishes a superior quality product rather than focusing exclusively on the purchase price.

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